
Molecular Physics Special Issue

In close collaboration with Mol. Phys. editor, Prof. Trygve Helgaker, who also serves as member of the international advisory board to the OPERA-2020 symposium, we - the organisers - have curated a Festschrift to mark the occasion. The Festschrift is now in print and its foreword may be found here:

Eriksen, J. J.*; Stopkowicz, S.; Jagau, T.-C.; Helgaker, T.: Foreword: Prof. Gauss Festschrift.

Guest editors

  • Dr. Thomas Jagau (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): thomas.jagau [at] kuleuven [dot] be

  • Dr. Stella Stopkowicz (Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany): sstopkow [at] uni-mainz [dot] de

  • Dr. Janus Juul Eriksen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark): janus [at] kemi [dot] dtu [dot] dk